Friday, April 16, 2010

I was just totally Clueless

Some of my favorite quotes from my favorite preteen movie

Cher: As if. 

Amber: [makes W with her hands] Whatever. 

Mel: I'd like to see you have a little direction.
Cher: I have direction!
Josh: Yeah, towards the mall. 

Murray: Woman, lend me fi' dollas.
Dionne: Murray, I have asked you repeatedly not to call me "woman".
Murray: Excuse me, "Ms. Dionne."
Dionne: Thank you.
Murray: Okay, but, street slang is an increasingly valid form of expression. Most of the feminine pronouns do have mocking, but not necessarily in misogynistic undertones. 

Cher: You see how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet.

Cher: I felt impotent and out of control. Which I really, really hate. I had to find sanctuary in a place where I could gather my thoughts and regain my strength...
[we see a wide shot of the mall

We might be the same person short some IQ points and bank rolls...

Cher has been one of my fashion icons for over a decade. I have been trying to recreate this outfit for but I have never found the exact items.Tonight I'm dressing inspired, pics to come maybe? I am so happy I can finally put all the key elements together with high socks, and sheer blouses. Ideally I would LOVE to pick up this 

This is THE perfect whit shirt. you can get it here 

Pics to come of my Cher Horowitz rendition. Wonder if they are making a Clueless 2? If so, can I please work on styling for it? 

I would die in pleated skirts, fitted vests, crop tops and knee socks.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring. Fur. Do you dare?

I love fur so much I would wear it in every temp. I love love love fur in every season. But when is it too late to don a little?

OID3 TO...Kate Moss

Because we love her and I love these photos. The first is my favorite. the rest are all equally amazing but the first captures her youth, her life, her fresh entrance into the world as who we know her as now. She is drunk, braless, sunburned, flawlessshe is kate.

and please please please can you send your wardrobe here ?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


There are no words to explain how much I am head over heels in love with litter.

Good thing I don't have a child or two because I would at least give my firstborn for this entire line. Below are some of my favorite "I DIE" pieces from litter

Sunday, February 21, 2010

White. Hot. Magic.

This has to be one of my favorite shoots of all time. Thanks Wildfox for the magic. 


Also go check out this great new band, Polyamorous Affair's video for White Hot Magic

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

all about denim.

yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.

via carolines mode

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i am not a robot.

brilliant use of three scenes/faces for this video. & u guys know my obsession with glittered objects. why? no se senor.